Pingu’s English

Children are a great joy – we need to listen to them, love them and show them the right path in life in a natural and spontaneous way! Learning even the most complex things can be done by playing and having fun.

SONY DSCIn developing the school curriculum, we used a curriculum called the Curriculum for Health Promotion in Nursery Schools as our model. We drew inspiration from our partner Kindergarten in New Zealand and took elements from the Te Whariki system, teaching English according to Pingu’s English programme.

Pingu’s English is an English course for children aged 2-9. Teaching is playful and entertaining. Under the leadership of native speakers with a pedagogical education, the children naturally learn vocabulary and grammar.

During the course, the children are accompanied by the adventures of the penguin Pingu and his family and friends from the series of the same name. In this way, English teaching combines adventurous experiences with interactive video, online learning materials and a wealth of stories, songs, games, exercises and tests.


Pingu’s English:

  • OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAEnsures that children learn English spontaneously and naturally
  • Ensures that the little penguins learn the four basic skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing
  • Ensures that the teachers in the Kindergarten are properly trained and have professional lesson plans describing every minute of teaching
  • Ensures that the linking of sounds, words and objects through a series of entertaining multimedia materials and activities aimed at completing the tasks will provide a natural learning process
  • Promotes self-esteem and confidence in speaking English, with the help of a number of exercises, games and awards
  • Promotes social interaction and cooperation through activities in pairs or groups
  • Provides a safe and positive experience with English that your child will enjoy
  • Covers 75% of the curriculum required for passing the Starters Exam of the Cambridge Young Learner’s English Tests (CYLET)

Pingu’s English education system is based on three levels. Each level consists of a wide variety of work and study materials.